High BP is the leading cause of Stroke as it damages the Heart,

 Kidneys & Brain. Dietary intervention is required. Intake of low

 dietary sodium is important. Fruits & Vegetables should be

 taken to meet Potassium requirement. Calcium rich foods

 should be eaten.



 Fruits & Vegetables should be consumed liberally. Citrus fruits

 & Vegetables (low in sodium content) are especially protective .

 Drink low- fat milk Reduced fat intake Restricted

 sodium intake Avoid excess sugar Avoid foods with added sugars

 Avoid foods with added sodium Take high fibre diet Omega-3-

fatty acids Inclusion of fatty fish in the meals Use herbs & spices

 Use salt alternatives like Himalayan pink salt, Black salt, Celtic sea salt, Garlic salt. Completely avoid

 Monosodium Glutamate ( Aginomotto), Baking Powder, Sodium

 bicarbonate, Sodium benzoate, Bakery products, Processed

 foods, Baked foods, Sauces, Frozen foods, Pickles, Gravies,

 Frozen foods, Canned foods, Ketchup, Salted Butter, Cheeses,

 Salted nut butters, these have added Sodium . Also, Trans fats ,

 Fried Foods, Sweets, Refined foods . Be Stress- Free Exercise

 Drink Plenty of Water

 Take Good Quality Sleep

 Eat Home- Cooked food


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