Nutrition and lifestyle choices women can make every day to increase

 their protection from breast cancer.

1.   Maintain Healthy weight

Being overweight is a strong risk factor for breast cancer and any weight gain

 beyond the age of 18, even a 10% weight gain can strongly increase the

chances of breast cancer as well as a cancer recurrence. (That’s only 15 pounds in a 150 lb woman.)

It is important to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight through daily exercise and a low fat plant-based diet.

According to the National Cancer Institute, exercising for four or more hours a week

 may also decrease hormone levels and help lower breast cancer risk.

2. Eating a plant-based diet

Plant foods are rich sources of fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals which

 have been shown to decrease the risk of cancer and protect the body from

other chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Choose whole grains and legumes as well as at least 6-9 servings

 from a variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables daily.


3 - Alcohol

Alcohol is a strong risk factor for many cancers, including breast cancer.

 Despite the benefits of resveratrol, a phytochemical in red wine and grapes,

experts recommend avoiding alcohol as there appears to be no safe level for prevention of cancer.

As a survivor, it is recommended to limit your alcohol to no more than 2 servings

 per week (if at all). One serving of alcohol is defined as: 5oz glass of red wine, 12oz of beer, or 1 ½ oz of liquor.


4 – In  Moderation Dietary fats Intake

·                                                      Full-fat dairy, Poultry skin, Butter, Fatty meats, Hydrogenated oil,Some margarines

Instead, include healthful fats: Avocado, Nuts, Seeds ,Olive oil, Ground flaxseeds,

Fatty fish (like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and arctic char)

5-   Soy

Soy is an excellent source of protein, fiber, B Vitamins, iron, calcium and isoflavones

 which can possibly help bind estrogen and may decrease the risk of hormone

related cancers such as breast and prostate. Soy may also protect bones.

*Recent studies including data from the Women’s Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL)

study have confirmed that soy consumption (up to 3 servings per day) from

 whole foods such as soy beans, tofu, and soy milk for any breast cancer type is probably safe.

Concerns about soy and breast cancer stemmed from animal studies in which high dose isoflavone levels

 were used. Soy supplements and concentrates such as soy protein powder,

soy protein isolates, genistein and daidzein should be avoided until more is known.

6-   Green tea

                               This beverage has strong anticancer properties from catechins, a flavonoid. Aim for 1-4 cups daily.

7-  Bone health and vitamin D

It's important for women of all ages to consume adequate amounts of calcium and Vitamin D

 to maintain bone health and this may be even more crucial for postmenopausal women

due to their increased risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D has promising health benefits alone.

Healthy levels of these nutrients can be achieved by:

·                     Consuming low-fat dairy products, fortified soymilk, oily fish

·                      (3.5 oz salmon can contain 300-500 IU Vitamin D alone!), and eggs 

·                     Receiving 10-15 minutes of direct sunlight daily in addition to a calcium supplement

·                      of 1000-1200mg (broken into two doses) with up to 2,000 IUs total of Vitamin D3 daily.

·                     Take these together at your largest meals for increased absorption.

Because Vitamin D deficiency is common and may increase the risk of cancer you may want

 to ask your doctor to check your blood level where 35-40 ng/mL is considered an optimal level.

8. Sugar

                    Limit concentrated sweets, added sugar from processed foods, and

 sugary beverages as these foods provide calories, but few nutrients.

 A high intake of sugar can increase insulin levels as well as encourage weight gain,

 both possibly leading to cancer. Natural sugars found in fruit, vegetables, beans,

whole grains, dairy and soymilk are the best sources of carbohydrates to fuel your body

 and should not be restricted unless specifically recommended by your healthcare team.

Nutrition for Colorectal Cancer Prevention

 Risk factors for colorectal cancer can be reduced by:  

·                     Maintaining a healthy weight

·                     Keeping physically active

·                     Making smart food choices

1. Manage your weight

If you are overweight or obese, weight loss is an important first step in reducing

your risk of colorectal cancer development and recurrence. This increased risk

 comes from higher blood levels of insulin and related hormones that appear to

encourage cancer growth. Aim for a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5-24.9. 

 Even if your BMI is far from the target range, a body weight loss of 10% can reduce your cancer risk.

2.   Stay physically active

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily.

Physical activity does not have to be expensive or difficult. You can walk around

the block or in a local park. You can ride a bike or join a recreational league.

As long as it makes your heart beat faster and your lungs breathe more deeply,

 you will get the benefits of physical activity. Choose activities that you enjoy.

This way you will be more likely to continue doing them.


3. Make smart food choices

Plant-based, high-fiber diets that are moderate to low in red meat with minimal

 processed meat and alcohol have been shown to reduce colorectal cancer risk.


·                     Vegetables: salad greens, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, eggplant,

·                      carrots, etc. All varieties of vegetables have cancer-preventative

·                     properties so consuming a wide variety is the key. Research now

·                     shows that garlic is helpful in prevention of colorectal cancer so

·                      be sure to include it in your meals daily.

·                     Fruit: berries, melon, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, etc.

·                     Whole fruit gives you the most benefits, so choose the whole fruit

·                      and limit or avoid fruit juices. 

·                     Whole Grains and Beans: quinoa, oats, black rice, barley, farro,

·                     wild rice, lentils, beans, etc. They are high in fiber which is protective

·                      against colorectal cancer. These foods contain many other substances

·                      that have been linked to lower cancer risk. It is for this reason that experts

·                      suggest increasing fiber intake from whole foods rather than supplements.

Say no to:

·                     Red meat (beef, lamb, pork): the type of iron in red meat and certain

·                      other compounds can increase cancer risk. For this reason,

·                     it is recommended to consume 18 ounces or less of red meat weekly. 

·                     Processed meat (cold cuts, bacon, sausage and hot dogs): these items

·                     contain high levels of nitrates and sodium, which are both carcinogenic.

·                      It is recommended to eat processed meats rarely or not at all.

·                     Fast food: high in calories making weight management more difficult.

·                     Also high in sodium but low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and fiber.

·                     Alcohol: alcohol turns into cancer causing compounds in the body.

·                     These compounds can also damage the cell lining of the colon.

·                      Avoid alcohol or if you choose to drink you should limit intake to 1 drink (12 oz. beer, 5 ounce wine, 1.5 oz. liquor) per day.



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